Wednesday, September 05, 2007

if you can't stand the heat, get out of hollywood

they say that no real angeleno actually goes to the beach, but with temperatures rising above 100 degrees this past week i did what any other level-headed new yorker would do, threw my sunscreen and towel into a carry-all (made by shannon orr, fabulous owner of seo designs), and drove out to the ocean, where it's always 10-20 degrees cooler than other spots in Tinseltown. the waves come right up to greet you, and on saturday in malibu, dolphins raced north and showed off for the good part of an hour. braving labor day traffic, we spent the holiday enjoying a nice california cabernet blend from edna vineyards with friends at a house on a cliff overlooking the waves.

the pacific is a happy blue, just blending with the sky. so what nate and i both lost our brand new shades to the tide's pull, we're a giddy reflection of the ocean's hue.

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