Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sometime Thursday afternoon...

I have a tummy ache.  I tweaked a New York chocolate chip cookie recipe, combining some of my preferred methods like melting the butter almost all the way to give the flavor a little toasty nuttiness, and enjoyed a bit too much of the yummy batter.

Here is the recipe, for what it's worth.

2 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. sea salt
4 oz. bittersweet chocolate, 61% Valrohna
1 c. butter, almost melted
1/4 c. organic cane sugar
3 large eggs (maybe next time I'll try 2 to take out the doughiness)
1 tsp. vanilla
10 oz. bittersweet baking chips, 72%

Cream butter and eggs in a mixer on medium high until it's nice and floofy.  Add the eggs one at a time until combined, then add vanilla.

Grind the 61% chocolate in a food processor.  Trust me, it's a lot less messy than using your knife (which will have chocolate all over your hands... not such a bad scenario, I guess.)  Sift the ground chocolate along with the dry ingredients into a large bowl.  Put aside.

Slowly add the dry mixture into the creamy one until it's nice and combined.  Taste it.  Like the way the sea salt dances on your tongue?  Me too, thus the indigestion I am now experiencing...

(Bake at 350 for 11 minutes, and get enough space in between cookies.  These suckers will spread.  Makes 24 happy faces.)

Post Script:  They didn't come out quite right.  Next time, I'll make sure more air circulates around the entire cookie when they're finished baking to allow them to crisp.  They turned out way too soft, but are still really good with a tall cold glass of milk or handsome helping of vanilla bean ice cream.