Wednesday, October 24, 2007

darjeeling feel good movie of the week

except for the two hours i spent watching darjeeling limited, and for the time that i've spent eating, i've mostly slept off exhaustion for the last 24 hours. last night, nate and i went to see our friend matt at spanish kitchen, and were seated in a quiet little spot off the veranda area. we'd finished our tastilicious margaritas and $2 tacos by the time the playboy bunnies showed up to provide us voyeuristic entertainment. i was too curious to be jealous, though matt said i might want to get nate out of there before they arrived. pish posh. what do i have to worry about besides shiny hair and boobs (both being shiny)? i can't help but wonder sometimes how girls like that tell daddy about their new job -- for the first time, that is. is he proud? is he embarrassed? because even if i did have shiny hair and titillating teets that I were playboy quality, i don't know how i'd break it to dear old dad. and i think he'd probably disown me -- at least for a little while -- or cry. and the crying thing would probably be worse.

anyhoo. playboy bunnies. a great diversion from more grave matters, like the smokey cloud of haze looming over hollywood, where it's currently 98 degrees.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

diane ackerman has gotten into my head!

she didn't really. she's just who she is, and damn her for that. several years ago i read A History of the Natural Senses, and thought, "I want to write like this someday!" but alas, i've twiddled my thumbs because i've only wanted to write what i want to write instead of being a gun for hire so haven't advanced -- not a big deal when you're working on your craft. but a word for the wise: do your homework before beginning a project. it might save you from copying someone else's work.

every time i pass the sinai hospital in beverly hills, jealousy hits my heart like a brick because i didn't become the doctor i'd wanted to be when i was in grade school. second grade hit, i decided to be a writer and boom! all hopes of earning an md vanished! then earlier this week it hit me. it's a ittle too late for med school but maybe i should be writing about my obsession with the brain. i'll do for the brain what ackerman did for the senses. however, before i begin this endeavor of combining medical research with poetic prose, smart girl that i am, i google diane ackerman. her prose illuminates scientific and natural elements like nothing else that i've written (besides mary roach - another writer whose taken my obsession with physiology to another level). but i've been a little out of the literary loop, i see, because in 2004 she published An Alchemy of Mind -- pretty darn close to my idea. so close in fact that it would probably be plagarism for me to attempt to write it. and besides, Alchemy is now on my TO READ list. now i don't know whether i should feel flattered that i'd share an idea with such a beautiful writer or depressed because it's too little, too late.

ah well. i'll crawl back into the world of fiction and emerge with another idea soon enough -- probably right after someone else publishes something with the exact same content. lerg*^!